
We Have It All!
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As a distributor, B&D is able to maintain a larger inventory of products, expeditiously ship to any part of the world, and create direct shipping from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) production facilities.

Fabrication Services

Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and associated Piping are manufactured products. B&D has certificates of authorization to manufacture boilers and pressure vessels and replacement parts for this often complex equipment.

B&D Marine and Industrial Boilers, Inc. since 1972. B&D maintains a welding staff and welding procedures qualified to ASME Section IX covering the welding of carbon steel, chromium molybdenum steel, including the P91-P92 (9%) Chrome, stainless steel, duplex, Hastelloy®, nickel alloys titanium and more. HSB-CT (Hartford) is our third party inspection company. We also have two Certified Weld Inspectors on staff.

B&D’s Certificates of Authorization from The National Board and The ASME:

The Repair Symbol from The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors for Code supports repairs and/or alterations to boilers, pressure vessels, and or piping systems covered by the code.

The “S” Stamp from the ASME authorizes the manufacture of Power boilers and parts as well as the installation of boiler proper and boiler external piping systems.

The “U” Stamp, from the ASME grants B&D Boilers with the authority to construct pressure vessels and parts of pressure vessels in accordance with ASME Section VIII Div. 1.

The “PP” stamp provides ASME provides B&D Boilers as authorized to use this symbol of the ASME for fabrication and assembly of Power Piping.

The “H” certificate covers the manufacture and field installation of Hot Water Heating Boilers

The “NB” certificate authorizes B&D to apply the National Board “NB” Stamp and unique number to items manufactured and registered with The National Board.

Through B&D’s experience, application, and determination, we have emerged as a corporation with better design, material accessibility and broad, fabricating capabilities to achieve most any desired welding construction in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.