
We Have It All!
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As a distributor, B&D is able to maintain a larger inventory of products, expeditiously ship to any part of the world, and create direct shipping from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) production facilities.


In 1972, Jiles T. (Beadie) Lynch, a Certified Boiler Inspector with 29 years of experience, established B&D Marine and Industrial Boilers, Inc. Mr. Lynch was President and General Manager until his death in 1985. At its origin, the company had four employees that serviced, repaired and inspected marine boilers.

Today B&D is a well-established firm with the reputation of having technical expertise and experienced personnel that service corporations and governments worldwide.

Our extensive capabilities are supported by our expansive facilities. The success of our Preventative Maintenance Instruction(PMI), Code and Level I systems is directly related to our emphasis on planning and control. B&D’s Inventory Control Department occupies a 12,000-square-foot building that was specifically designed to house, maintain and efficiently allocate necessary tools, material and equipment needed to perform major repairs, overhauls and modernizations of main propulsion boilers.

B&D has accomplished marine repairs on all classes of naval ships and crafts worldwide. We have provided service at ports in Charleston, Boston, Mayport, Norfolk, Jacksonville and Texas, to name a few. Internationally, we have had teams in Pakistan, Turkey, Taiwan, Thailand and Egypt.